Data Transfer with Open OnDemand

Data Transfer with Open OnDemand

With Open OnDemand being an official ARCC supported service, we would be re missed to not cover how Data Transfer works within the application. The Open OnDemand web portal includes a file browsing option that enables file management capabilities for users to upload, download, copy/move, view, rename, and delete files on ARCC HPC and Storage resources. However, there are some nuances that users should be aware of before committing to using Open OnDemand as their only data transfer tool. Please follow along with the examples below to learn about the data transfer abilities of Open OnDemand.

Before we begin, please make sure to have logged into Open OnDemand for MedicineBow just as you have in a prior tutorial, by navigating your we browser to https://medicinebow.arcc.uwyo.edu/.

The File Browser App

Easily found on the top bar of the Open OnDemand Interface, the Files App can take you to one of your three main cluster directories of home, gscratch, and project. From here you can perform several file operations:

  • upload

  • download

  • Create new files/directories

  • copy/move

  • rename

  • Delete




It’s important to know that file permissions can’t be changed in Open On Demand

Exploring the App

As you can see in the top image, there are buttons, check boxes, and a search bar available to perform many functions previously mentioned and some that haven’t been.

It is important to know that Open OnDemand has their own terminology for hidden files called Dotfiles. If for some reason you have transferred some configuration files but aren’t seeing the, you can check this box to see them listed.







Uploading a File

There are two ways to upload data.

  • You can drag and drop from your file browser into the Files App

  • Or you can Click on the ‘Upload’ Button

This works for both entire directories as well as individual files.




Open OnDemand Restrictions

While Open OnDemand makes transferring data as easy as other tools you may be used to like Google Drive or Dropbox, it is a tool that was designed to do much more than just transfer data and since it is using the https protocol. ARCC only recommends transferring small files such as code, README files or anything under 5 gigabytes.

Do not transfer large files with Open OnDemand. Please see the next section on Globus for transferring large amounts of data.

If you are unsure if Open OnDemand will work for your data transfer needs, please see the other tools that ARCC supports or contact us at arcchelp@uwyo.edu

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