Dive into Jupyter Labs

Dive into Jupyter Labs


  • Walk through a options within a Jupyter Lab session

Initial Screen Navigation and Options

Upon connecting, you are presented with the main Jupyter Labs screen and options:

  • Drop down menu bar along the top

  • Along the left is a collapsable sidebar

  • Along the right is another sidebar

  • Main work area in the center (Starts with Launcher tab opened)

  • Along bottom is a information dock


Upon connecting, you are presented with the main Jupyter Labs screen and options:

  • Drop down menu bar along the top

  • Along the left is a collapsable sidebar

  • Along the right is another sidebar

  • Main work area in the center (Starts with Launcher tab opened)

  • Along bottom is a information dock


Drop-Down Menu Bar

Has top-level menus that expose actions available in JupyterLab with their keyboard shortcuts. The default menus are:

  • File: actions related to files and folders

  • Edit: actions related to editing documents and other activities

  • View: actions that alter the appearance of JupyterLab

  • Run: actions for running code in different activities such as notebooks and code consoles

  • Kernel: actions for managing kernels, which are separate processes for running code

  • Tabs: a list of the open documents and activities in the dock panel

  • Settings: common settings and an advanced settings editor

  • Help: a list of JupyterLab and kernel help links

JupyterLab extensions can also create new top-level menus in the menu bar.

Has top-level menus that expose actions available in JupyterLab with their keyboard shortcuts. The default menus are:

  • File: actions related to files and folders

  • Edit: actions related to editing documents and other activities

  • View: actions that alter the appearance of JupyterLab

  • Run: actions for running code in different activities such as notebooks and code consoles

  • Kernel: actions for managing kernels, which are separate processes for running code

  • Tabs: a list of the open documents and activities in the dock panel

  • Settings: common settings and an advanced settings editor

  • Help: a list of JupyterLab and kernel help links

JupyterLab extensions can also create new top-level menus in the menu bar.

Left Sidebar

Left Sidebar will have a number of default options upon launch.

  • File Browser:

    • Shown with icon

  • Run Manager:

    • Shown with icon.

    • Contains a list of tabs in the main work and of running kernels and terminals

  • Table of contents

    • Shown with icon.

  • Extension manager

    • Shown with icon.

  • Older versions may show a Command palette:

    • Shown with icon.

    • provides an easy search and run for JupyterLab commands

    • Newer versions can access this from the View drop-down option or using the keyboard shortcut Command/Ctrl Shift C.

Left Sidebar will have a number of default options upon launch.

  • File Browser:

    • Shown with icon

  • Run Manager:

    • Shown with icon.

    • Contains a list of tabs in the main work and of running kernels and terminals

  • Table of contents

    • Shown with icon.

  • Extension manager

    • Shown with icon.

  • Older versions may show a Command palette:

    • Shown with icon.

    • provides an easy search and run for JupyterLab commands

    • Newer versions can access this from the View drop-down option or using the keyboard shortcut Command/Ctrl Shift C.

Right Sidebar

Property inspector (active in notebooks)

  • Gears icon

  • Allows users to inspect properties of output and items from code or main work area


  • Bug icon

  • Helpful when debugging code and viewing dependent functions and variables within your code

Main Work Area

  • Upon initial login, the main work area will show the JupyterLab Launcher in a tab.

  • Users can launch lab applications in a new tab from the Launcher

    • Any kernels available on the cluster will show up as a kernel option in the launcher (Usually launchable as both a Notebook or Console)

    • Additional lab applications like terminal, file editors, and help menus will show up as options below under ‘Other’

  • The main work area in JupyterLab allows users to arrange documents (notebooks, text files, etc.) and other activities (terminals, code consoles, etc.) into panels of tabs.

    • Tabs can be resized or subdivided.

    • Move a tab to a panel by dragging the tab to the center of a tab panel.

    • Subdivide a tab panel by dragging a tab to the left, right, top, or bottom of the panel.

  • Upon initial login, the main work area will show the JupyterLab Launcher in a tab.

  • Users can launch lab applications in a new tab from the Launcher

    • Any kernels available on the cluster will show up as a kernel option in the launcher (Usually launchable as both a Notebook or Console)

    • Additional lab applications like terminal, file editors, and help menus will show up as options below under ‘Other’

  • The main work area in JupyterLab allows users to arrange documents (notebooks, text files, etc.) and other activities (terminals, code consoles, etc.) into panels of tabs.

    • Tabs can be resized or subdivided.

    • Move a tab to a panel by dragging the tab to the center of a tab panel.

    • Subdivide a tab panel by dragging a tab to the left, right, top, or bottom of the panel.

Information Dock

Found along the bottom of your Jupyter Lab window, the information dock contains a few informative displays that are always visible throughout your JupyterLab Session

View Toggle

  • Toggling simple “on” removes tabs for just one main/active work area.

    • It is often useful to focus on a single document or activity without closing other tabs in the main work area.

    • Simple Interface mode enables this, while making it easy to return to your multi-activity layout in the main work area.

When turned on, looks aesthetically more like a traditional Jupyter Notebook

Active Count

  • # of active kernels

  • # of active terminals

Active work area:

  • Current mode in your highlighted working area

  • Location within the active file

  • Active file name

Notifications: Notifies users of possible updates or other JupyterLab news

Running Code from a Console

Why run your code in a console instead of a notebook?

  • Jupyter Notebooks run code in a linear fashion, based on the explicit linear order according to the cell’s placement in the notebook.

  • There are positives and negatives associated with running the cells linearly:

    • Positives:

      • Helpful because it makes the logic of the code, and project easier to understand and visualize in a step-by-step manner.

      • Understanding the origins and processes associated with data collection, computational processes, and output become more straightforward.

    • Negatives:

      • Notebooks do NOT allow code to run functions simultaneously, even when the code natively handles it.

      • Notebooks also do NOT allow code to run based on decisions or conditional statements (such as if, if/else, or switch/case statements)

  • Code consoles allow you to run code interactively in a kernel. The cells of a code console show the order in which code was executed in the kernel, as opposed to the explicit ordering of cells in a notebook document. Code consoles also display rich output, just like notebook cells.

Why run your code in a console instead of a notebook?

  • Jupyter Notebooks run code in a linear fashion, based on the explicit linear order according to the cell’s placement in the notebook.

  • There are positives and negatives associated with running the cells linearly:

    • Positives:

      • Helpful because it makes the logic of the code, and project easier to understand and visualize in a step-by-step manner.

      • Understanding the origins and processes associated with data collection, computational processes, and output become more straightforward.

    • Negatives:

      • Notebooks do NOT allow code to run functions simultaneously, even when the code natively handles it.

      • Notebooks also do NOT allow code to run based on decisions or conditional statements (such as if, if/else, or switch/case statements)

  • Code consoles allow you to run code interactively in a kernel. The cells of a code console show the order in which code was executed in the kernel, as opposed to the explicit ordering of cells in a notebook document. Code consoles also display rich output, just like notebook cells.

Widgets & Extensions

Jupyter widgets and extensions can be installed to extend functionality of Jupyter. Recommended installation method and use is covered in the following module.

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