HPC Cluster and Data Migrations
MedicineBow Migration Reminder:
ARCC Researchers:
The Medicine Bow cluster is in full production and we have begun working with many of you to migrate workflows away from Beartooth. Here is a reminder of the important dates related to Beartooth's decommission:
Now until December 15th, 2024
- Projects will be asked to migrate to Medicine Bow.
- View our Migration Policies
- Investor Hardware will be migrated to Medicine Bow as their projects do.
December 16th,2024
- Beartooth will be shutdown and remaining non-investor nodes will be migrated to Medicine Bow.
If you have any questions please let us know by replying to this mail or emailing arcc-help@uwyo.edu.
HPC Cluster and Data Migrations
ARCC services will be undergoing substantial upgrades in the coming months. We are in the process of making our new HPC cluster MedicineBow (working name: Thunderer) and data storage (working name: Data) system available for ARCC users. These new systems will eventually replace our existing systems, Beartooth and Alcova. To find more detailed information about these changes, visit the following page: Upgrade and Expansion 2024 .
PI request and approval are required for completion of both migrations. Please review https://arccwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCUMENTAT/pages/2102722579 for a full list of important dates and https://arccwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCUMENTAT/pages/2099871826 for migration policies that may impact you and effect migration completions. Go-Live dates for Data and Thunderer are as follows.
June 1st, 2024: New storage system “Data” go-live.
July 1st, 2024: New HPC cluster MedicineBow (Working name: Thunderer) go-live.
Again, it is important that researchers review important dates and policies. Please review the pages linked above and contact arcc-help@uwyo.edu for any clarification, or with any questions or concerns.