This page contains frequently asked questions. If users have any trouble, questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to contact ARCC.
General ARCC Troubleshooting
For general issues please see our Known Issues page to see if the problem could be caused by something that we already are aware of and recommended solutions or work arounds.
General FAQs:
Questions Related to Migration: Beartooth to MedicineBow
I’m having trouble logging in with the new SSH key authentication. Please help!
Questions Related to Migration: Alcova to Data Migration
How do I access Beartooth when I am not on the UWyo network?
Beartooth's login nodes are on the Science DMZ network outside of UWyo firewalls. Meaning you can log into Beartooth from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and a terminal or ssh client.
How do I run my code on Beartooth?
You must submit your code to the job scheduler. Running code on login nodes is not permitted.
For more information about the job scheduler please see our page on Slurm.
How do I find out which software packages are installed/available on Beartooth?
While logged into Beartooth, executing the command "module spider" will list all modules installed on Beartooth.
$ module spider To learn more about a package execute: $ module spider Foo where "Foo" is the name of a module. To find detailed information about a particular package you must specify the version if there is more than one version: $ module spider Foo/11.1
How do I access my Alcova allocation when I am not on the UWyo network?
Users will need to use the UWyo VPN to get onto the UWyo network.
See the Connecting from an Off-Campus network section on the Getting Connected to Alcova page.