Password Resets and Account Lock Outs

Password Resets and Account Lock Outs

Login Methods:

  1. If you are unable to log into ARCC related resources, the first thing to identify would be what account you’re using for login. Most of our users access our services using their UWYO domain accounts with UWYO secured 2 factor authentication. See UWYO Login Problems for more information.

  2. If you do not have a UWYO account and use an outside email address or authenticate without UWYO credentials, you will need to work with ARCC to either reset your password or reconfigure authentication. Please e-mail arcc-help@uwyo.edu for login assistance.

    1. When emailing, please include the account you use for login, method of login, and which resources you’re attempting to log into.

UWYO Login Problems:

  1. If you authenticate to UWYO resources using a web based login, you will likely recognize the UWYO login page, shown below and unlock procedure is detailed below under the section titled: Unlocking your UWYO account.

  2. If you are logging into ARCC resources using a CLI (Command Line Interface) you would likely login with your UW-username@<arccresource.arcc>.uwyo.edu. Note that whatever resource you're authenticating to will likely end in "uwyo.edu". Procedure used to unlock your account is detailed below under Unlocking your UWYO account.

  3. UWYO accounts have a standardized lockout procedure as follows:

    1. If a user’s UW account is incorrectly logged into 3+ times regardless of method, password authentication to the account will be locked out for 5 minutes after which time your account is unlocked, and you can attempt to log in again.

    2. UW accounts may also be locked at the 2-factor authentication level after failed 10 attempts to 2-factor authenticate. Note that a failure to respond to the 2 factor prompt would count as a “failed attempt”. A 2 factor lockout will lock you out of 2 factor authentication for 90 minutes.

Unlocking your UWYO account:

  1. If you are locked out of your UWYO account but know your UWYO password, you may wait through the unlock times noted above in UWYO Login Problems, section 3 above. If you need your account unlocked immediately you should contact the UWYO IT Help Desk at 766-4357 or go to https://support.uwyo.edu/ to start a remote support session with a help desk representative to unlock your account.

UWYO Password Changes and 2-Factor Changes:

  1. If you are locked out of your @uwyo.edu account and do not remember your UWYO password, you will need a password change. There are two methods to change your UWYO password.

    1. If you are enrolled in the password reset utility, you may reset yourself using the instructions here.

    2. Alternatively, you may contact the UWYO IT Help Desk to reset your password by calling 766-4357 or starting a support session with a help desk representative here: https://support.uwyo.edu/.

  2. If you are locked out of two factor and do not have a method to two factor authenticate due to losing your 2 factor device or changing devices, you may request a 2 factor change using the UW IT service request portal here: https://uwyo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1940/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=30527

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