Python - Miniconda - Conda - Pip

Python - Miniconda - Conda - Pip

This page highlights the interplay between using Python and Miniconda on the Beartooth cluster, and how pip/conda install work alongside each other.

This page assumes:

  • You already know how to program using Python and have used pip install to install packages before.

  • You have already used miniconda to create/activate environments and have used conda install.

Since this is an interplay, please try and understand the indivdual parts and then how they do/don’t work together,

Where and Which Versions of Python are Available?

On the System:

# Login Node: But you DO NOT run computation on the login nodes! [salexan5@blog2 ~]$ python --version Python 3.8.12 # Compute Node [salexan5@blog2 ~]$ salloc -A arcc -t 5:00 [salexan5@mtest2 ~]$ python --version Python 3.8.12

Via Modules:

[salexan5@blog2 ~]$ module spider python ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- python: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Versions: python/2.7.18 python/3.10.6

Check for latest versions - request if you require a newer version.

A particular version might have some common packages pre-installed - load and check - Use pip list/show to find available packages

[salexan5@blog2 ~]$ module load gcc/12.2.0 python/3.10.6 [salexan5@blog2 ~]$ python --version Python 3.10.6 [salexan5@blog2 ~]$ python -m site sys.path = [ '/pfs/tc1/home/salexan5', '/apps/u/spack/gcc/12.2.0/python/3.10.6-7ginwsd/lib/python310.zip', '/apps/u/spack/gcc/12.2.0/python/3.10.6-7ginwsd/lib/python3.10', '/apps/u/spack/gcc/12.2.0/python/3.10.6-7ginwsd/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload', '/home/salexan5/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages', '/apps/u/spack/gcc/12.2.0/python/3.10.6-7ginwsd/lib/python3.10/site-packages', ] USER_BASE: '/home/salexan5/.local' (exists) USER_SITE: '/home/salexan5/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages' (exists) ENABLE_USER_SITE: True

Notice: The version of python being used dictates where a user installed package is installed:

So, if you have python 3.9.x activate within your environment, any pip install packages would be located under: /home/salexan5/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages

Why does this matter?

If you have previously been using python 3.9.x, and then switch to python 3.10.x, any previously installed packages won’t be available and have to be re-installed for the newer version.

Via Miniconda:

Remember conda/miniconda is a “Package, dependency and environment management for any language - Python, R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C/ C++, Fortran, and more.“ - notice it allows an environment to be created for many more langauges than just Python, and installs system level libraries and not just python packages.

The versions of miniconda on the cluster do ship with their own version of Python:

Why does this matter?

As previously indicated, if you pip install then the package will be installed in different folders as the python versions are different,.

This is why as a best practice you should always define the version of a module you’re loading.

Recommendation: Do not rely on the version of Python shipped with miniconda as the way to define which version of python you actual require.

Why? Because users typically do not define the miniconda version, and do not track the version they are using.

Suggestion: Simply use miniconda to manage your environment, and explicitly define the required version of python to use within it.

Using conda install in an Active Conda Environment

The conda install command "accepts a list of package specifications (e.g, bitarray=0.8) and installs a set of packages consistent with those specifications and compatible with the underlying environment." These are installed within your active conda environment, in the folder where it has been created.

Pip Installing in an Active Conda Environment

If you use pip install within an active conda environment then it will by default install these packages within your home folder, under the site-packages folder associated with the version of python being used within your conda environment. As described above.

Is this an issue?

Potentially yes.

  • It will work for you (the user) but probably not if you try and share the environment with others who do not have permission to access your home.

  • If you install a newer version of a package, then this will typically be used over any previous versions, does this introduce an error into your environment? Maybe…

  • How are you explicitly tracking the version of a python package?

As a best practice, we would suggest forcing the pip install to locate the package installations into your conda environment folder location and not you home folder.


Previously, the simplest way to do this is to set the following environment variable:

The PYTHONUSERBASE environment variable "Defines the user base directory, which is used to compute the path of the user site-packages directory“: 1. Command line and environment Essentially we are forcing conda to pip install within it’s folder.

Or, you could define this location as:

There are further tricks you can do as described here: Conda uses .local packages

For example using the conda environment variable: CONDA_PREFIX that "The path to the conda environment used to build the package, such as /path/to/conda/env. Useful to pass as the environment prefix parameter to various conda tools, usually labeled -p or --prefix.“

The suggested approach is to use:

Issue: conda create without defining python

This appears to not work if the created conda environment does not explicitly define it’s own version of python i.e. it’s using the version that comes with miniconda3.

Performing a pip install places the python packages under /apps/u/opt/linux/miniconda3/x.y.z/lib/python3.xx/site-packages/

Overall Suggestion:

If you’re performing local development, and not sharing, use a module load python/x.y.z - track the version of python and pip install into your local home.

If you’re using a conda environment and want to share this environment:

  1. Create the conda environment - within your project space.

  2. Explicitly define the version of python to use - and NOT rely on the version shipped with miniconda.

  3. Set the PYTHONUSERBASE environment variable so pip install packages are installed within the conda folder and not your home folder.