Configuring SSH Key on a Mac with Cyberduck

Configuring SSH Key on a Mac with Cyberduck

UW ARCC is changing the way you authenticate on our devices and ssh authentication is now available using a public/private ssh key combination. This makes it possible to authenticate your login on ARCC HPCs without a password.

What this means for our users: This change standardizes the way all ARCC users log into the HPC cluster resources, and once complete, should make the process easier.

Begin by Generating your SSH key with our SSH Key Manger app

Next Configure your Keys on your Mac

Last, Configure Cyberduck for SFTP

  1. Launch Cyberduck. This should bring up an empty connection profile (unless items are imported).

  2. Click the “+” button to add a new connection.

  3. Choose the SFTP option from the drop down for connection type.

  4. Fill out SFTP Connection as listed below. For MedicineBow, replace any references of wildiris with medicinebow, and use the default name for your key unless you renamed yours after download.

  5. Once complete, test the connection by right clicking the saved connection in your list and choosing the “Connect to Server” option. If successful, you should see the HPC cluster file structure come up as a list in cyberduck.