Linux: SSH Key Setup

Linux: SSH Key Setup


This article provides details and specifics for how to set up a SSH key to connect to ARCC HPC Clusters from a Linux OS PC. Each key is associated with your identity on that HPC resource, therefore you do not need to create a new key for every client you use to ssh into the HPC.

If you’d like to configure a specific SSH connection application in Linux OS specific directions may be found below:

  • Configuring SSH Key Authentication in CyberDuck for Mac

Creating and Managing your SSH Keys with the SSH Key Manager

Configure keys on your Linux Box

  1. Unzip the files associated with your login to your .ssh folder:

    unzip <username>.zip -d ~/.ssh/
  2. Test your configuration. If If configured properly, you will be logged in automatically, and will not be prompted for a password (first factor), nor second factor authentication for login.


Note: If you run into permissions errors on the key files (usually errors will take the form of something similar to: "permission 0### too open") we recommend running the following commands then reattempting to ssh using your key files.

chown you:you id_edsca id_edsca.pub id_edsca-cert.pub # Set you as owner of files (if set to root. Replace "you" with local client account name) chmod 0600 -R ~/.ssh # Sets appropriate permissions for .ssh private keys ssh-add # Configures ssh agent for certs if not natively supported

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