Required Software is Not Available

Required Software is Not Available

Goal: Discuss approaches and process for when software isn’t available and/or users bring their own scripts/code.

Software Installation Goals

With the migration over to the MedicineBow cluster in August 2024, ARCC evolved and updated it’s software policy with the following goals:

  • Helping our users to become better HPC users,

  • by reflect systems and processes similar to other HPC centers,

  • by assisting via consultation and training to developing transferable skills and good practices

  • as well as allowing easier transition and move to other HPC centers.

User Installed Software/Packages

First: Check the MedicineBow Software List for what is available and/or use the module spider command to search.

There are various ways to install software onto the cluster, including:

Users are encouraged to install their required software within the project space, under a specific /project/<project-name>/software/ folder allowing the management and sharing of commonly used project based software. If ARCC assists any user/project with a software installation, this will be the location used unless somewhere else is explicitly requested.

Since this will use up project related storage space, the default project space has been increased to accommodate this.




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