Job Management

Job Management


SouthPass allows you to view and manage your currently active jobs running on the cluster.

Active Jobs




You are able to view all or just your jobs.

Your Jobs

Under: My Interactive Sessions:

Image 01: Example of jobs running under SouthPass.
Image 02: A list of my Slurm jobs running within SouthPass and on the general cluster.


What you are viewing is similar to calling squeue -u <username>

[salexan5@tlog1 ~]$ squeue -u salexan5 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 15394448 spc-ondem sys/dash salexan5 R 1:00 1 ttest07 15394449 teton sys/dash salexan5 R 0:34 1 t331


All Jobs

Image 03: A view of all jobs, for all users, running across the cluster.

Job Composer

Provides a web-based utility for creating and managing batch jobs from template directories.





Example Walk-Through

I’ve got a script template in the following location.

[salexan5@tlog2 tests]$ pwd /home/salexan5/tests [salexan5@tlog2 tests]$ ls run_test.sh


Navigating to Job Composer, I’m going to create a new job using the above template file.

Within the ‘Create a new job from path’ notice how I’ve used the above location /home/salexan5/tests and the name of my file run_test.sh:

After saving this new job, we can see it is now available in my list of jobs.

Notice the path where this has been created within the ‘Script location’: /home/salexan5/ondemand/data/sys/myjobs/projects/default/1/

At the bottom of this web page, we can edit this template run script:

I can open and edit this file:



Now I’m ready to submit this script by selecting it and clicking the ‘Submit’ button:

Notice, after the job has been queued, that its status now says ‘Running’.

If you navigate to Jobs, and then Active Jobs, you can see that this job is running and it’s current status.

Coming back to this page, I can now see that this job has completed.

Clicking on the arrow icon provides more information about the job.

If you click on the “Open in Terminal” then a new browser tab will start, opening a shell to the jobs location:

[salexan5@tlog1 1]$ pwd /home/salexan5/ondemand/data/sys/myjobs/projects/default/1 [salexan5@tlog1 1]$ ls run_test.sh test_job_15396242.out


Clicking on the ‘Open in File Manager’ will open a new browser tab, in the jobs location, where you can view resulting files.




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