Removing a user from your Globus Share

Removing a user from your Globus Share

Upon project completion or project changes, you may find you need to revoke file sharing permissions. This can be done in two ways:

  • You may delete the shared endpoint (usually to be done when data transfer or project has reached completion and you no longer need to share the data in this endpoint with any collaborator) - Recommended.

  • You may update endpoint permissions.

Go to https://app.globus.org/collections Check the box for the “Administered by You” filter. This should bring up a list of collections you have created or shared out to others. On the right side of the screen will be a right carrot. Click that icon (›) for the collection you’d like to make changes to or delete

If you’d like to delete the entire Globus share, select the “Delete XXXX Share” Option

You will be prompted for confirmation. If you’re sure and know you won’t be re-sharing this dataset, choose the option to Delete. Note, this will NOT delete the data itself, it will only delete the sharing you’ve set within this collection for the dataset.


The following are directions for updating endpoint permissions

If you’re not done sharing but you’d like to add or remove users from your endpoint share, click on the permissions tab near the top of the share page.

To remove a user from accessing the share, find their name in the shared with list, and click the trashcan associated with their username and globus account. Once you have selected that option to remove them, you will get a notice for confirmation to remove them from the share.

If you’re certain they no longer need access, click Remove.