Next Step: Getting Started

Next Step: Getting Started

Goals: Provide information for how to ask for help, and how to get started with ARCC HPC Resources

How to Get Help

  • Service Portal and arcchelp@uwyo.edu

  • Zoom Office Hours.

  • When requesting help:

    • Be as clear and specific as you can.

    • Provide enough detail so we can replicate your issue.

    • Provide job ids, log files, working folder paths…

    • Software and module versions.

    • Links to your software homepage/repo and what you’ve tried.

    • Have you consulted online communities?

    • When using other people’s code: try and understand what it is doing before asking for help.

  • We’ll always do our best effort, but we’re not domain experts (supporting all researchers).

Next Steps: Request an Account with ARCC




  • ARCC (HPC Center) Mission and Services.

  • Clusters: ARCC and NWSC.

  • What is HPC?

  • HPC/Cluster Architecture.

  • Different types of storage.


What is HPC?

Workshop Home

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