Introducing Available HPC Resources

Introducing Available HPC Resources

Goal: Provide new HPC users with a list of common research computing resources available to the UW research community.

ARCC: Advanced Research Computing Center





NCAR: National Center for Atmospheric Research: 

  • A center of research excellence in Earth system science sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

  • World-Class Research in Earth System Science

CISL: Computational & Information System Lab

  • Help for researchers using NCAR facilities

NCAR: National Center for Atmospheric Research: 

  • A center of research excellence in Earth system science sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

  • World-Class Research in Earth System Science

CISL: Computational & Information System Lab

  • Help for researchers using NCAR facilities


The NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC) located in Cheyenne represents a collaboration between NCAR and the University of Wyoming.











  • A multidisciplinary science and engineering research center.

  • Serving as a science and energy laboratory distinguished by R&D capabilities with a powerful suite of experimental and computational facilities.

  • The Argonne The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility enables breakthroughs in science and engineering by providing supercomputing resources and expertise to the research community.

With many HPC options, what should you use?

The answer depends on your needs:

  • HPC Experience

    • ARCC offers more support for new users

  • Specific hardware requirements?

    • Specific models of GPU?

    • Capacity?

Generally, if you’re just starting out and wanting to learn HPC, ARCC HPC’s offer a good “learning environment” with access to significant computing resources, more user-friendly interfaces, and more extensive user support.
Additional information on NWSC and ANL are available at the links below.


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