Intro to ANL (Argonne National Labs)

Intro to ANL (Argonne National Labs)

ANL (Argonne National Labs) work with UW to offer computational resources to UW researchers through the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s Lighthouse Initiative.

Resource List

The Lighthouse Initiative supports applications running on the following ALCF Systems:

Polaris: a 560 node HPE Apollo 6500 Gen 10+ based supercomputer for parallel computing tasks.
Graphcore: An IPU processor architecture designed for AI workloads.
Sambanova: Designed for efficiency, scaling and performance.
Groq: AI Testbed for AI acceleration with high speed chip-to-chip connections.
Cerebras: HPC resource designed to handle training of LLMs.

ANL’s Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF)

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility providing supercomputing resources and expertise to the research community.

Requesting Resources

UW Users may request space on our UW allocation through Faculty Director for Computing Resources, Dr. Suresh Muknahallipatna by e-mailing him directly at sureshm@uwyo.edu. General Account and Project documentation may be found here.

Getting Help on ALCF resources

ALCF users with active accounts and allocations may go to the ALCF Support Center to access their user documentation.
User authentication information for ALCF resources is available here.

New ALCF users may find helpful documentation at their New User Guide

Getting help from ARCC with Migration

If you know you’ll need help moving your data and software to Argonne HPC Resources, please reach out to UW ARCC at arcc-help@uwyo.edu to request assistance.



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