Resources and Services


This is the gateway to technical information and documentation that is specific to each of ARCC’s computational hardware resources/services.

ARCC Facilities Statement
Our Facilities Statement is available here or as a PDF here: ARCC Facilities Statement

High Performance Computing Services

This core service is primarily being performed by the Beartooth HPC cluster, soon to be replaced by the MedicineBow HPC cluster.

The Beartooth Compute Environment is available to UW researchers at no cost*. This HPC environment allows researchers to perform computation-intensive analysis on large datasets. Using Beartooth, researchers have control over their data, projects, and collaborators. Built-in tools help users get up and running in a short amount of time, and the ability to request custom tools allows users to fine-tune their research procedures.

SouthPass is a publicly accessible implementation of OnDemand that allows web based access to Beartooth.

Research Data Storage Services

Because research is increasingly data-intensive, ARCC has made research data storage a core service. This core service is currently being performed by the services below, allowing for research data to be safely and securely stored and shared. No matter the use case, researchers have peace of mind that their research data is compliant with funder requirements, protected, and accessible whenever and wherever they are.

The ARCC Data Portal is a high performance data storage service geared toward project-oriented data storage. This service allows researchers to reliably store and exchange data with anyone located anywhere in the world.

Pathfinder is a low-cost storage solution that enables a Cloud-like presence for research data hosted by ARCC. ARCCs newest data storage system is Pathfinder. The system is built to be expandable and provides data protection. Its core functionality is hosting onsite backups as well as enabling data sharing and collaboration.

Software Services

This links to a broader exploration of the various software packages, software support, etc available from ARCC. ARCC Researchers may request a software install from our service portal. Our staff can also assist with project migration between our HPC resources and external HPC resources.

User Support Services

ARCC provides consultation and training services as a core ARCC service. This service is for all researchers at UWyo whether they use the HPC system, the Research Data Storage System, or if they have any other Research Computing topics they want to be covered. Our goal is to support researchers in any way we can. UW ARCC offers office hours, provides one-on-one consultation, and schedules in-person and online training so that researchers may perform their work with the most support that ARCC can provide.


ARCC officially supports RedHat, Rocky (formerly CentOS), and Ubuntu. Any similar distributions would be supported “best efforts”. Help with these OS’s can be requested here.

ARCC Specialized Services

As research pulls innovation forward, these same innovations then lead the way for more groundbreaking research. Our specialized services, even if now commonplace or widely used can a byproduct of specific needs from a researcher. If we do not provide something you need for research purposes today, we may be able to provide it tomorrow. Please send us a message through e-mail at or fill out a request through our service portal so our staff members can look into how we can help. Some more specialized or miscellaneous services we offer have been listed below.

ARCC staff can assist UW Researchers with the support of external HPC resources. This includes but is not limited to Wyoming-NCAR Alliance Allocations, and Allocations on NWSC.

Gitlab is a collaborative code development service and ARCC hosts a community edition of Gitlab. More information on our community edition may be found here.

Globus provides quick and secure access for researchers to transfer, share, sync and publish large amounts of data. Globus provides access over both a web browser and a application one may install locally. Click here for more information.

Researchers may inquire here or by e-mail @ to invest in HPC resources through the ARCC Investment Program.

Publicly accessible web based implementation of ARCC hosted HPC resources Beartooth and WildIris.

Resource and Service Costs

*While ARCC provides several resources and services to UW researchers at no cost, some specific services are subject to charges above standard service quotas. Those are outlined here.