


  • Bedops: BEDOPS is an open-source command-line toolkit that performs highly efficient and scalable Boolean and other set operations, statistical calculations, archiving, conversion and other management of genomic data of arbitrary scale.


Use the module name bedopsto discover versions available and to load the application.


Version 2.4.40 on Beartooth, contains the following commands:

bam2bed bam2starch_sge convert2bed gvf2starch sam2starch starchcluster_slurm update-sort-bed-starch-slurm bam2bed_gnuParallel bam2starch_slurm gff2bed psl2bed sort-bed starch-diff vcf2bed bam2bed_sge bedextract gff2starch psl2starch starch starchstrip vcf2starch bam2bed_slurm bedmap gtf2bed rmsk2bed starchcat unstarch wig2bed bam2starch bedops gtf2starch rmsk2starch starchcluster_gnuParallel update-sort-bed-migrate-candidates wig2starch bam2starch_gnuParallel closest-features gvf2bed sam2bed starchcluster_sge update-sort-bed-slurm


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