Install Pulse Secure on Linux

Install Pulse Secure on Linux

Install on RHEL/Rocky Linux

  1. sudo yum update -y

  2. For RHEL 7: sudo wget -O /tmp/PulseSecureRHEL7.rpm https://www.uwyo.edu/infotech/services/software/pulsesecure/ps-pulse-linux-rhel7-22.2r1.0-b1295.rpm

  3. For RHEL 8: sudo wget -O /tmp/PulseSecureRHEL8.rpm https://www.uwyo.edu/infotech/services/software/pulsesecure/ps-pulse-linux-22.2r1.0-b1295-64bit-installer.rpm

  4. sudo yum -y install /tmp/PulseSecureRHEL/ps-pulse-linux-9.0r3.0-b923-centos-rhel-64-bit-installer.rpm

Note: if you see an error like this: “Incompatible installer, Kindly contact your admin…”, you are probably trying to install the wrong version for your OS.

Install on a Debian based OS:

(such as Ubuntu)

  1. sudo apt upgrade

  2. wget https://www.uwyo.edu/infotech/services/software/pulsesecure/ps-pulse-linux-22.2r1.0-b1295-64bit-installer.deb

  3. sudo dpkg -i ps-pulse-linux-22.2r1.0-b1295-64bit-installer.deb

  4. sudo apt update


Use the search function for your Linux OS (it varies from OS to OS) to look for “Pulse”. Click on the PulseUI (or similar)

The client should have a “Wyosecure” connection pre-configured (as above). If it does not, or if you need to re-configure the connection:

  1. Click the “+”

  2. In the Name field, enter “Wyosecure”

  3. In the URL field, enter “https://wyosecure.uwyo.edu”

  4. Click Save


  1. To make a connection, click Connect

  2. Enter your UWyo username and password

  3. A new screen will come up asking for a Secondary Password. Type “push” and click Connect. This will induce a DuoMobile challenge on your mobile device

  4. After you accept the challenge, the line beneath Wyosecure should say “Connected”



  1. sudo dpkg -r pulsesecure

  2. sudo dpkg -P pulsesecure

  3. Reboot


  1. sudo rpm -e pulsesecure

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