Training/Workshop Responsibilities
ARCC training hosts providing a workshop or course over our resources are subject to responsibilities described below. Additional information on how to host a training or workshop is available here. Assistance is available by e-mailing,or visiting our service portal here.
ARCC is responsible for
HPC Resource Verification & Reservation
Verifying the availability of hardware resources for the dates and times specified by the workshop/training requestor. These specifications should be provided at least 10 days in advance of the workshop.
If available, reserving hardware resources during the dates and times agreed upon within the request.
HPC Project Creation
Creating a project (if requested) on ARCC resources for use during the training
Providing access to the workshop/training project on our HPC resources through UW Account, external collaborator account, or ARCC training accounts.
ARCC assumes that all the individuals you specify for your workshop creation will have access to all HPC resources in your training/workshop request, unless otherwise specified.
HPC Software Verification
Verifying the software listed is available on the HPC resource per the workshop request.
Installing software onto HPC resources if available, and updating the workshop requestor if issues with software installation arise. (Best efforts)
Alerting the requestor of any incompatibilities associated with our resources and requested software.
User Accounts and Access
Setting up any new UW affiliated ARCC users with access to the cluster, and the project/workshop specified.
Facilitating the creation of external collaborator accounts as listed within the training request. This is performed by UW ARCC in collaboration with UW IT and subject to a 1x 10$ charge from UW Information Technology.
Providing access to up to 25 training accounts, and physical account keys for any non-UW students to access the cluster while physically attending the training on the UWYO campus assuming the training account request is completed.
Data Storage
Allowing the training requestor to access the project and training data and materials on the cluster for 5 days after the training has completed.
Wiping data 1 week following the training completion.
Training Requestor is responsible for
Booking a physical location for the training (if one is required) or arranging virtual resources for online training.
Providing any pertinent information to ARCC as specified in the Training/Workshop Checklist.
The full content for this training/workshop request must be provided at least 10 business days in advance of the scheduled event.
Initiating and facilitating communication between ARCC and additional trainers.
Ensuring attendees have access to computers/laptops to access HPC resources for workshop.
Alerting ARCC of any requirements for the training/workshop that fall outside of the workshop checklist.
Clearing off any data from the project within 5 days of training completion.
Completing a training account checkout request if training accounts are needed.
Returning ARCC training keys to ARCC within 2 days of training completion.