ARCC Newsletter

ARCC Newsletter

Advanced Research Computing Center
Spring 2023 Newsletter


New Training Offerings

training qr code

ARCC is proud to offer several new training sessions scheduled for Spring 2023. See our ARCC Training Page at http://bit.ly/3neYTk8 or scan the QR code to the left for more information on updated agendas, training summaries, and links to register. Please take a look at the Digital Scholarship Center calendar for updated schedules at https://uwyo.libcal.com/calendar/dsc . Training topics are available with scheduled date, times and locations below:

4/3/23 11-2 @COE216
Intel Analysis Tools

4/17/23 11-2:30PM @COE216
Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit

 4/18/23 3-4:30PM COE302
Intermediate Cluster Computing

5/15/23 Time: TBD; Location: TBD
Nextflow for Workflow Management: Part 1

5/15/23 Time: TBD; Location: TBD
Nextflow for Workflow Management: Part 2

Beartooth is fully in production

Beartooth QR Code

Many thanks to our research customers for their patience during the transition!

The infrastructure hardware refresh is complete. Rebranded as Beartooth, the campus research cluster offers over 500 compute nodes and 1.2 PB of storage, and is positioned to accommodate new compute nodes as they are funded.

To learn more about Beartooth, please visit:  http://bit.ly/3JTZMHY

ARCC now offers GitLab

ARCC is hosting the community edition of GitLab, a widely used collaborative code development environment that aims to “shorten cycle times, reduce costs, strengthen security, and increase developer productivity”.  Users may request access to Gitlab through our service portal. Read more at http://bit.ly/3LMLQ3W or scan the QR code to the left.

Check out ARCC’s Gitlab page:  https://gitlab.arcc.uwyo.edu/

A new service portal

Last but certainly not least, ARCC’s services are offered via a new portal:  https://bit.ly/3FHOB2x

This new portal allows ARCC to more easily create and offer services to the research community at UWyo. 


Cluster metrics

Jobs run from 1/1/23 to 3/10/23: 851,303 Core CPU Hours 1/1/23 to 3/10/23: 6,065,988.48.
Nice work, UW Researchers!




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