

  • Agisoft: Metashape: Discover intelligent photogrammetry with Metashape. Process digital images and generate 3D spatial data. Fast and highly accurate.


Use the module name metashape to discover versions available and to load the application.

To be able to run metashape as a GUI you’ll need to use a SouthPass interactive desktop session.


The MetaShape application does appear to be able to utilize multiple cores as various processing stages are detailed as being parallelized.

Multiple Nodes / Distributed Processing

MetaShape can be configured to run across a cluster where “multiple Metashape instances running on different processing nodes can work on the same task in parallel, effectively reducing the total processing time needed.“. Currently this has not been tested - but ARCC is looking to work with a group to test how this functionality can be setup and used.

GPU Enabled

MetaShape is GPU enabled. Currently this has not been tested via any form of batch job. Also be aware that interactive desktops currently do not have a GPU attached to them.

For further details please consult the manual, and be aware of the --gpu-mask / --cpu-enable flags detailed when running metashape -h.

Python/Java Development

The MetaShape stand alone Python module/wheel and Java api jar can be downloaded from - further details can be found within the pro manual.

To install the Python wheel, you will have to explicitly use the shipped version of Python with the version of MetaShape you are using. For example:

[]$ module load metashape/2.0.3 # Download the package wheel. # Within the wheel's location: []$ python3.9 -m pip install Metashape-2.0.3-cp37.cp38.cp39.cp310.cp311-abi3-linux_x86_64.whl []$ python3.9 -m pip list Package Version ---------------------------- ---------- ... Metashape 2.0.3 []$ module load metashape/2.0.3 []$ python3.9 Python 3.9.13 (main, Sep 9 2022, 11:31:02) [GCC 8.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import Metashape License not found

Also note that you can perform Python development within MetaShape’s own console and/or run python scripts using the metashape -r <script> flag.