
FWT2D from Seiscope is a massively parallel program for frequency-domain full-waveform tomography of wide-aperture seismic data.

FWT2D 2D Full-Waveform Topography: is a massively parallel program that performs 2D frequency-domain modeling of acoustic wave propagation and full-waveform inversion for seismic imaging. FWT2D is more specifically designed to process wide-aperture (or global offset) seismic data.


Use the module name fwt2d to discover versions available and to load the application.


To begin, load the FWT2D module which will also set the FWT2D_ROOT environment variable, using:

echo $FWT2D_ROOT [...]$ /apps/u/opt/fwt2d-v4.8/software


The pdf manual can be found in:

ls $FWT2D_ROOT/DOC doc_fwt2d.v4.8.pdf doc_fwt2d.v4.8.ps.gz

Please note that chapter 4 of the manual goes into detail about the various input and output files required to run the application.

Simply Batch Script

The following is a very simple example of a batch script:

#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --account=arcc #SBATCH --time=10:00 #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 #SBATCH --partition=teton module load fwt2d/4.8 srun fwt2d.v4.8.seq64

Replace arcc with your associated project account name. It is important to use the Teton partition (and not moran) otherwise you will experience an error trying to run the application. Then submit the job using sbatch command.

Running in Interactive Mode

Replace arcc with your associated project account name. It is important to use the Teton partition (and not moran) otherwise you will experience an error trying to run the application. Run the application using:

It is recommended to pipe the output of running in interactive mode to a file, using something of the form:

For example, while testing, performing an inverse, 1000s of lines of output were generated.

Running FWT2D

As a very brief introduction, FWT2D runs in two modes, either Forward Modeling or Inverse. Both modes use the same fwt.par input file, in which the various parameter settings are used to define the mode of execution and associated input parameters and files.
The application does come with a set of examples, that can be found in:

It is highly recommended to read the various README files, as well as viewing and understanding the script files as these will teach you how to set up a folder, which input files are required, what additional scripts are required, and the general workflow of using the application.
Additional and referenced scripts can be found in:

Do not expect to simply run these scripts and things will work. You will need to modify and create your own to suit your specific needs. Consider them as basic examples from which you tailor to your needs.

Note: Although ARCC happily takes responsibility for setting up, installing, and testing the software it is running, this is a very feature-rich application and we are unable to test every feature and all the parameter settings. To assist us, and other users, we would sincerely appreciate feedback from users that we can share with the wider research community.