
1 Overview | 2 Using | 2.1 Multicore | 2.2 GUI


  • HyDe is a software package that detects hybridization in phylogenomic data sets using phylogenetic invariants.


Use the module name hyde to discover versions available and to load the application.

HyDe appears to be a number of python scripts that are called:


A number of the scripts provide multi core functionality. Please review each script to see what is does/doesn’t provide. For example:

[]$ run_hyde_mp.py --help usage: run_hyde_mp.py [-h] -i -m -o -n -t -s [-j] [-tr] [-p] [--prefix] [-q] [--ignore_amb_sites] Options for run_hyde.py ... additional arguments: -j, --threads number of threads [default=all available] ...


HyDe also provides a GUI which can be used from an Interactive Desktop session, started via SouthPass. Within a terminal, once the module has been loaded, run the hyde_gui.py script.